Friday, July 17, 2009

Family Here...So Still Is Face Pain!

Not thrown myself on the scales all week and not stuck to SW diet.. *How bad is that!!* I know that I am going to regret this... and not that I will end up back with a 4 stone gain... but a few pounds... and with face still hurting... it is really going to bring me down!

In 9th day of face pain now... I have 2 more antibiotics left... *I could do with a miracle... so if you have one to spare... please send it my way!* So tired... was gone 5.00 when they arrived this morning... everyone bedded down after cards and gifts were opened and of course I am up four hours later in pain! Movement of my mouth is better the pain isn't easing... Why is that?

Have been looking at the charges and could to start with cost me a bout 200!! Shocking what they can charge someone in pain.. *Sigh* Might send GOS out to a red light district to earn more money .. what do you think? Somehow don't think that will work.

Not sure what time everyone will get up.. should I try to get some more sleep or prepare dinner for tonight? *Drat fine rain... but won't stop Daughter going in the pool*

Was so good to see them all... My little niece has really grown... grown her hair .. I do love her so very much.. Sophia was so exciteable .. it was lovely... had spent most of the day remembering when she was little.. how we used to laugh.. all the hugs...being a mum is a wonderful job. I am so proud of her!

BBL.. I hear footsteps! OOoooo Daughter is up... must go look after her and make the most of it... *More footsteps.. think that going back to bed is out the window!*


1 comment:

  1. Ouch, you poor thing. I really hope you stop hurting soon. Don't think anyone could blame you for comforting yourself any way you can!

    Don't think I'd make much sending my GOS out either ;)

    Mel xxx


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