Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back from the UK

Ahh yes.. I am back... and feel like 4 stone heavier... and shockingly enough I have just had some chocolate!!1 *I will never learn..*

Giving myself till Monday then I am going to get back on track... I want a day or so here to settle back in and get some food shopping in and then hey presto back to work and get rid of all this extra weight I have put back on grrr!

While away.. did I say we got a Wii...a telly for the bedroom and my brother gave me a stereo for the lounge and outside when I am in the pool...

Oh will have to catch up later as want to see if I can get into the shed to feed the boys!


Back... that is them sorted... oh yeah.. the darn mosquitos have got me already... three and not even been back for 24 hours.. darn swines!!

We have staying two of GOS's daughters and one of their friends... they are with us for a week... will see how that goes throughout the time.

Good news Good news... *Yes finally something good to write about * The dishwasher lives!!!!!!!! Thank goodness too as we are going through a lot of glasses etc and I just didn't fancy standing there washing all day! So no more kicking and cursing the dishwasher... I love the dishwasher again... it is my best friend and I am sure over time it will grow to love me again!

Got the Dawn French "Dear Fatty" book while away.. so going to spend some time reading that... the first chapter nearly had me in tears!! Well not chapters she has done them in letters which I think is a lovely idea. I have always admired her strength and such a pretty woman!

Is it nice to be home? Well yes it is... but part of me feels very sad to be away from my family... I think I have spent long enough now... but I also love my home.

Odd isn't it how you can go away and when you get back it is like you haven't ever been away! I texted my father to let him know that I am missing him and love him and he replied... *He doesn't normally* but told me it isn't the same when I am not around.... hoping that is in a good way!

Have the unpacking to do.. but think I will leave that for tomorrow.. was getting myself stressed today with doors open and flies getting in... *this is cause we are in the countryside and have cows in the field next to us and gee they attract the flies!* I know that there is no point in getting stressed as will just have to go round and clear them out when everyone has gone indoors for their showers etc!

Is wondering now how selfish I may have become in my older age? Do I really like sharing things with other people? *I will have to think on that and get back to you!*

Missing daughter very much.. she has been cracking on with her driving and I am so very proud of her.

No use for the slinky black nighty or the sexy pink one while away.. waste of suitcase space! *Typical*

Ahh just listening to "Bread".. why are most things I like food related... *I tell the again the world is against me*

Couldn't get over how much the roses have grown while away.. went out to dead head some this afternoon.... made me think of my lovely sister, some of the roses are just so stunning ... such striking colours and she was just beautiful.

Oooo started taking vit b6 ... *Hoping it will help with my hot flushes...will have to wait and see* Think while everyone is downstairs doing their karoke I will go do my wii fit!!


I was really good... oh it is now 10.15pm....

Having done the Wii fit for an hour.. ran up the stairs and had a shower... changed and then out to the shops to get food for the kids.. *Can't let them starve now can I*
Back to cook... then do all the ladies eyebrows in the house then on to mini facial for one .. followed by a make up lesson and application.

Then cooking again and cleaning of course... *Almost hugged the dishwasher for just being there* then back to doing a cleanse and full make up...

GOS has done nothing but moan at me today and try to blackmail me into going to Paris...trying to make me feel bad and twisting everything I say! Why do men do this? Or do I have the only one that does?

Anyway... I need your help....

Take a look at both photos below and tell me... which photo do the girls in it look better?

I am on about their make-up not hair or anything else...

*Please post as a comment at the end of this thread... thanks*


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