Sunday, August 30, 2009


Yes are you wondering where I have been the last couple of days...

Pigging out.. why I have no idea..

So monday is again upon us tomorrow and no doubt I will get on the scales and they will say I have put on again.. And I have no one to blame but myself...

Tomorrow is a new day and I know I should start now.. but feel like beating myself up a bit longer for some strange very stupid reason!!

So speak tomorrow when I am full of even more remorse for eating things I shouldn't have!! AGAIN!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday.. Bahhh! 26th August 09

Yep the scales are against me again... they are raging war with me personally... what did I doooooo *Maybe over eating the last month.. that might have something to do with it...*

Anyway.. yesterday.. they read.. 00.04.8 today is a different story... 00.06.6 ... ok so where did that nearly 2 lb come from.

Spent nearly the whole morning doing Wii fit or some other fitness coach one.. *Nearly killed myself!!.. do you care.. do you.. do you really?*

Have to admit.. I am aching a little... Gave three of them a go this morning and did about 1.30 plus.. just seemed to take all morning as you have to go from one exercise to another... but think.. ouch is now in need.

Just had a call from a friend down the road.. they are madly doing their house up to sell and move to Aus.. and they asked GOS for some help... he has agreed to take me along and I will be the goffer... well this I don't mind.. but he had the cheek.. yes the darn cheek to tell me that I have done NOTHING... *Yes did you hear me.. NOTHING!!* since we got back from the UK...

I take it I didn't cook...clean... entertain as in eyebrows.. facials.. make-up.. eyelash tinting... talking till silly hours in the morning... Oh just cause he is mad with himself.. I am sick of him taking it out on me!

What is the matter with the GOS's of the world. As we were walking to our friends house it started.. so I said give me the key to the house he can go alone... well then he said I will tell them exactly why I didn't come... what that I am a lazy bitch and never do anything for anyone but sit on my arse all day!!

I mean yes he did do the BBQ for one night last week.. but I did not see him saying.. *Darling yeah right!* Would you like a hand with anything.. just sit at table moan about my food to everyone then sit down and play games or watch telly.... Tell me where in that is doing something constructive.

Sadly the girls did tell me things he had said about me behind my back... just a shame it has got to point scoring..

Oddly enough though.. one minute he is shouting and the next he is as lovely as anything...

Best go check GOS's dinner before I burn it and have to smash the plate over his head for moaning about it .. cause he is watching telly again! I wouldn't mind but we have seen this episode of Malcolm in the middle a 100 times!!!


Mmm food for the day...

Breakfast: 2 eggs on three WW malted loaf. Marmite


Dinner: Pork chop... garlic wedges... corn on cob... quark..

Snacks: Apple and banana


HB Gammon Bread.


Syns used this week... 2.5

So far!!

Mmm .. think I am having a blood shunt and want to sleep now... should I nap or should I force myself to stay awake???

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tense Tuesday!! 25th August 09

Goodness!!! Talk about tense today... my muscles are killing me in my back.. in fact kept me awake most of the night... but on a good note.. it shows that the Wii is working.

Not been on there yet today as GOS has taken over the telly again... Last night I was watching the second part of corrie and he said... "You watching this?" Ermm yeah! He then replied that we have 3 telly's in the house.. so I got up and went to bed! Thought I can't be arsed to say if you were watching something and I wanted the telly do you think you would shift your arse.. nope! And then to top it off.. a few hours later he comes upstairs and turns the bedroom telly on and it was really loud!! Men!!!!!!!!!!

Am I the only one who lives with someone like that.. or are they all like it?

Breakfast: Apple

Lunch: Pasta in sauce.. Tomato and onion with 2 boiled eggs and some sweetcorn

Dinner: Gammon, boiled pots and some salad.. might even do a corn on the cob first. No doubt some frozen muller light.. love them as they take me ages to eat lol Also had half a small tube of virtually fat free quark.. yum!


Syns: 1/2 Pasta tom and Onion Sainsbury's own brand. Extra light Mayo 2 syns

HB Gammon


Syns used this week... 2.5


Now nearly 5 pm... whoooo hooo.. does that mean it is time for dinner soon.. so looking forward to the gammon.

Back is still killing me.. not done the Wii yet.. cause when I make a dash for the lounge.. GOS seems to sense it and comes up!!! Maybe in the middle of the night.

Just been talking to a friend.. well I say friend lightly.. seing as she has just called am a No 1 Bitch!! *At last I am No 1 at something or for something*

I have given her a task of finding me a job for October.. but I know she will be far to busy keeping her eyes closed on the sun beds... she is working her way towards a nice leatherly look for a handbag!! At the rate she goes on the sun beds.. will get the shoes.. matching head band and bangle!!

No she is lovely really... just she couldn't meet me on my last visit!! So going to give her grief now...

Anyone of you interested in the afterlife??? If you live in the Bristol Area.. then it will be worth taking a look at this for sure....

Ghost Hunters.. In Bristol....

Also you could also look at this site....

Spiritual Souls is a warm loving site and we offer FREE information on all spiritual matters. Here you can receive readings from our readers or join in with our classes to open you up to the spiritual world. Everyone has the ability to do this although it does take time and practice. Anyone can read in our chat rooms as long as staff are present during the read unless it is an approved reader. From time to time you may be offerd a read please state if you would not like a read. Please note all the staff and readers on this site work voluntarily and give their time to help make this site run and without their help this wouldn't be possible.Please remember that all reads are for entertainment only. Spiritual Souls can not be held responsable for the content of the read. You MUST BE 18 OR OVER to enter this site.

Spiritual Chat


Drat.. can't stop thinking of food today.. I want my dinner.


Well nearly another day and still only had one HB.. so going to see what else I can rummage through and fancy... Might have some WW bread and cheese triangle light ones... *Why do they say light.. as they do not light up.. less fat or less what ever.. but light*

Been talking to step daughter tonight.. finally she has gone out and got some facial cleanser and a moisturiser but no toner!! But at least she has stopped using the UV lamp on her face. The damage she has caused from that is unbelievable... has more lines than me and I am double her age!!!

Wonder if anyone does read this.. my ramblings lol... *Gee it is hot.. or is that just me!!!*

Night all ........

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday New Start - 24th August 2009 Wii Day 1

Ok ok.. so I have just spent basically more than a month pigging out... yesterday was no exception!! I think I must have tried to eat the entire contents of the house... Why.. well in fear that I will go hungry from today onwards!!!

Which I know is completely stupid and now I have all that extra weight that I have put on to lose. I am going to try and aim to do at least and hour to an hour and half a day on the Wii... this will help posture as well as weight loss...... *I hope*

Have to say I am dreading getting on there.. good thing about it though is that it is password protected.. but GOS will still see the slope with the weight gain from the chart.

BUT... hopefully it will go down again.... possibly slowly.. but down it will go.

I have noticed the extra weight.. in my clothes and how I generally feel... also the food intake of junk has made me rather sluggish. And.... I don't like that feeling.

Oh GOS is walking about upstairs and I haven't even got on there yet... will have to wait till he goes now to do it!! Not showing him my password... *That is for sure!!!*

Just go and get his cup ready... bet he is going to be watching the sports on telly.... *Yawn.. bad enough doing it... let alone watching those slim bitches in skimpy shorts run like the wind... I will give them run like the wind with a good fry up.. not that I eat fry ups..doh*


Coffee made and GOS has gone downstairs.... he has his work gear on today..

I am going to start my Wii while he is not in the lounge... wish me luck!! *I might need it for the first week!!*

Oh..drat... he has just come up from his dungeon... will have to wait now! GOS has moved to the lounge and I have just heard the click of the television but no sound yet! Mmmm wonder what he is up to!!

Did I mention a large lump on my right arm.. yes .. itches like mad .. darn mosquitos... also a small lump on my forehead *Yes attractive I know.. thank goodness my hair covers that!* some on my back and some on the top of my arm.... darn things... Did anyone ever get back to me.. what are their purpose?

Let's see if I can turf him out of the house to do his work and I can crack on with the Wii fit!!!

Oh did you like the photos above.. hope they inspire...

What is he up to.. he has gone back down again but have a feeling it won't be for long!



Ok.. I am back.. it is now 2.o2 pm... got to do 52 minutes of the Wii fit before someone came to the door... here picture this....

Me ...*That is bad enough to start with...* wearing dark blue jogging pants rolled up to calf length... light blue spaghetti top and an extra black bra with cream lace on for extra support.... then the dreaded happens. *Yes always does to me doesn't it*

I am jogging around the lounge and dining room... and the door bell rings.. I know.. I know...*I never even thought and opened the door still jogging on the spot with the wii controls in my hand!! *The shame of it*

It was a neighbour who wanted a card...she kindly agreed to come back in just under an hour.. which left me time in the end to do the 52 mins.. and grab a quick shower.. get downstairs to see her coming to the door and me bracing myself to say sorry for my attire!!

I must keep it in my head not to get like homer simpson in the animated gif above!! Or anymore like him!!

Breakfast: 2 apples, half a pear and banana

Lunch: Pasta Chicken and mushroom... added 2 boiled eggs.. chilli garlic .. some yellow pepper rather nice!!



Feeling tired now after dinner!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Relaxing Sunday!

Ahh right well I am back again!! *Oh nooooooooo I hear you cry.. stop it!!*

This is the first time in .. ooh must be just over a month that we have the house back to ourselves or not going anywhere.

Yesterday was a manic trip to the uk.. we dropped the kids off at the coach station then did some food shopping and then back home on the ferry! Was shattered last night! So today was a day that I could have had a real good lay in.... and why didn't I? Darn mosquito's again!! *Why are they out to ruin my life.. feeling so tired and going to be grumpy all day now!*

But back to the house... nice to hear the peace and quiet...listen.. what do you hear? Well I just hear the clock that my lovely departed sister got me for a wedding gift. It has a wonderful rhythmic sounds *As clocks do!!* Makes me feel to go back to bed.. but will that mossy be there waiting for me!

Tomorrow is D Day again for me... I have had just over a month off from my diet and have to say I am feeling rather ashamed of myself... and I know that I have put on weight.. but what went on can come off...So I am going to start afresh tomorrow and possibly take some time to plan some meals today for the week so I can keep on track.

At least this time I can do some extra exercise with the Wii... I was wondering if you can run with other wii's online... will look into that today. As will then group up with some friends and do a run... makes it more exciting... not that I can run far lol. But was thinking if I can stick to that for a while.. I might eventually go for a jog around the village..... *Might scare the cattle though as I pass them..mmmm!*

GOS is in bed... had terrible bouts last week of really not liking him much... his snapping at me and moaning and constant belittleing in front of his children... I really don't like that. It was getting really childish and one upmanship was really starting to get to me. I know poor GOS gets miserable.. but don't we all!

I got him a lovely pair of designer jeans.. and yes I didn't pay full price for them but I joked that I am not going to buy him anymore and would like to see him burn £50.00 instead *Story is he was doing the pool and putting in the bleach as you do and got it all down these new jeans.. not blue jeans but brownish* He then went on to say that I would only ever pay 4.99 for them or anything and never purchased anything higher.. now this was in front of the kids... *Again* Never mind that I paid over 1500.00 for his Tag watch!! or £15,000.00 for the car... ok not going to go on.. but it is the"Let's make the wife look stupid" that I really hate. But this time I think it sort of bit him on the arse.... as they are older now and could see him in a different light, and one that they are not used to!

Goodness our kids will always love us as we do them for what ever reason.... but why put someone down .. is it to make yourself feel better... or just to make them look bad? I am sure also that I am not the only step mother to go through this... after I think we all end up with a GOS at some point.

I got the blackmail.. and then when I did go out.. it was ok for one of the daughters and her friend to stay behind.... Double standards.. *Right enough said or I am going to burst a blood vessel*

Mmm now eating some warm weetabix and just put in my new jvc earphones on my mp3 player... I like those soft things that mould to your ears.. can't do them disc ones.. they don't stay in my ears as ... believe it or not.. I have little ears... *No don't go there .. I can see you now picturing me as a pixie.. large pixie with small ears... something from Lord of the Rings..!*

Been job hunting for daughter today.. she is very fed up with RAC... the money isn't great and the hours are terrible and the BRISTOL BUS SERVICE *Time to name and shame* don't have a very reliable service! She pays over £70.00 a month to use their buses and they don't turn up a lot of the time... and this isn't good when you are stuck in the middle of no where at 9 pm at night and it is dark! So much for the government saying "Use public transport" WHY?????? She was reduced to tears the other night... *I do worry about her.. so going to help her find another job*

Feeling tired.. might go for a nap....then back to more job applications. Will have to start looking for one for me soon!

BBL................ *Wanders off thinking how much food is she going to cram into today as last day of naughtiness!!*


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

True Tuesday!

Is it really only still Tuesday... not that I am wishing my life away.. but geesh.. Tuesday...

Not the start of the week.. not the middle or the end... just limbo... right I have decided I don't like Tuesdays anymore!

Been a busy bee today...All the clan has gone out.. actually felt sorry for GOS today taking the girls out again... they still mention going to Paris and he rolled his eyes and his head dropped... also they want to go to a night club... oh dear the joys of children!

Watched the one girl today after giving her a make-up lesson ... pile on the crap on her face again....ahh well.. they all always know best at that age don't they!

Got a bit cross with her today.. she was prancing around her room in her towel which is fine but to me when you are not family.. you close your door if you are not dressed!! I just walked by the room and shut the door after saying.. your not dressed! Don't think she liked it...

Also they are using a new towel everyday.. what do they think this is ... a laundry!! Might get GOS to do the washing then he might understand how I feel.

Was doing breakfast... on asking one.. she said not hungry.. so made GOS's breakfast then asked the other who said.. do you have bacon (Yes but my father has to bring it from the uk as they dont' do it here!) then I will have bacon and egg on toast.. I looked at her and said what do you think this is a cafe! Then I get informed that the other will have scrambled egg on toast after I had cleaned the kitchen up!!

Mmmm.. I don't think I like sharing my house...

I went looking for my towels.. in my bathroom upstairs I have some baskets that are stacked.. they have towels for show and they have been using them all ...besides the fact that I put them two towels each in their room!

*Stop your moaning woman.. your giving me a headache*

Haven't stopped eating today.. also had large slab of chocolate... *Hangs head in shame again... must be dragging it on the floor by now*

It is nearly 7.30 pm and they are not back yet... I do hope all is well...

I have been looking at ferries.. to take them back as GOS said he would pay..!! it would be cheaper for us to take them in the car and do our shopping over there and his dad take them back to Andoverian land, we come back the same day!

This will happen on Monday... GOS had a temper tantrum today... had to be infront of his daughter... putting me down as usual.. *This is why I have chosen not to go out with them on these the thought of 3 girls going on about clothes ... puts head in bucket of water*

He was really nice to me when he got back yesterday.. giving it I know you are miserable and thought I would be nice.. eventually I said.. No it was cause you had no one to pick on and make feel small while you were out! He grinned and then said no... *Well I will take some crap but not all of it ... do men think we are really stupid!*

He will be pleased to be back when he gets back.... and then might even be nice to me or will be snappy cause I didn't go!

Think I might go get a coffee cup ready for him.. and wash the pots for their dinner... I am having what we had last night... don't want to waste anymore food!

BBL.... I think.....


Ahh a comment.. a comment... how lovely!!! Thank you.. sadly these are not students but two of them are GOS's daughters.. and the other is a friend of theirs.

Had hooo hars at dinner.. I cooked the dinner and asked one to lay the table while I finished everything of.. she sat on my laptop.. I waited and hadn't even started my dinner! So I just did it myself.. she then when I had finished said I was going to do that.. I calmly replied.. I did it!

Knowing her dinner was ready she closed the laptop and went to her room! I couldn't believe it.. she was sulking.. at 21 years of age.. she could have said oh sorry shall I go get the others..

*Count to 10.. no maybe 20.. Kids!!*

Eventually she was asked to come to dinner and sniffled at the table for a bit.. then like a wave of sunshine came over her she was fine again and chatting away!

So glad at times that I never had anymore..

Now for the ferry back... GOS has decided that he isn't taking them all the way back and that it is too far for his father to drive so they can catch a train...

*Soon changed his mind when he saw it was going to be about £50.00 per person.. plus our ferry and petrol... then he said the coach... that is £27.00 per person...* So think we will take them to the coach station and then they can catch the coach up... *Just have to book the ferry now.*. that should get us in at 11. am and their coach leaves at 12.15 pm.. and gets them there for 6. pm.... Bet he caves in and pays for that too...

Anyhow.. can't book the ferry without finding out if we have to book or pay for the coach tickets now to ensure they get a seat! *Breaks out into song... I can see troubles aheadddddd*
Enjoyed dinner ... had the same as last night which was spaghetti and chicken with cheese on... yum... might do a BBQ tomorrow...

They are in colouring hair in the bathroom at the moment...

Am I mean by wanting our house back... to be able to come down in my pjs and have a cuppa and know that the kitchen hasn't appeared with hundreds of glasses and everything is where I left it.. *Beside where GOS has left things!!*

Well guess I have to get back out there... sort out the kitchen and make sure all is well and do GOS a coffee.. bless all these woman are too much for him... *He can't handle me let alone 3 others!!*

Wanders of saying I must stop eating this darn chocolate!!!!!!!!!!

If that doesn't make you drool... there is something wrong with you!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Blues

Said I was going to wake with vigor and get back on track today.. but just don't feel like it..

Feeling really pressured to go to places and go to shops that I have no interest in.... *Now this makes me sound really selfish... but if GOS doesn't want to do anything... basically WE DON'T!*

So now I have come across as being a real bore... I thought it would be nice that he spend some bonding time with his kids as over the years not seen that much of them... and I know that shopping isn't something he likes.. but they are not babies anymore and shouldn't need entertaining... after all if it was my daughter *Whom he has been good to but also cross with several times over the years* he would drop her off at the station and not pay for her to go on the train.. and that would be if he felt like taking her.

No.. this isn't about wars of kids at all.... and I am not wanting not to go cause he doesn't ever want to go if it is somewhere I want to... I just dont' fancy walking around clothes shops all day! Think I have reached a time in my life where if I don't want to do something I shouldn't have to explain my reasons why.. MEN don't!

I am also feeling a bit confused... one minute he is digging at me about money.. *I only ever do the food shopping, he is lucky I am not one of these wives who goes out weekly or even monthly.. or yearly to beat the credit card for clothes or naff stuff like that!* and then the kids say he is paying for their trips back... now this is fine for me... but I am a little upset that he couldn't tell me this himself... maybe he thinks the kids won't tell me. *Rather odd, reminds me of the Phil Colins song.. Seperate lives.. is that the one.. will have to go look on you tube.. yes I know how to use youtube!*

No.. not the song I thought it was.. but still a lovely song!...maybe it was just the title!

Well the girls are off out today and yet none of them are up... I am going to clean the kitchen.. and wake them up... so they can get ready. Hopefully a nice day out for them.



Everyone has gone out... the house is peaceful and I still have some cleaning to do.... GOS has gone out with them.. so no doubt they won't really want feeding when they get back... but will give me the.."We never had anything to eat" and I will still end up cooking.

Have been wondering today... am I feeling miserable or am I facing facts now? Not sure... just know I don't feel right... but then don't think I have for a long time.

Just sent Daughter a message asking her when she can come over next... I miss her terribly.. *So much just writing that has made me fill up.. must be hormonal.. so do you think I would get away with murder?*

Do you ever have those days when you just want to scream... when you want things your way or no way... OMG I am turning into GOS! Do we do that... over time? Turn into our partners and then have to listen to them say how selfish we are blah blah and yet they don't see how much like them we have become as they want to rule the roost all the time?

To cross to type more.... grrrrrrrrrr

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back from the UK

Ahh yes.. I am back... and feel like 4 stone heavier... and shockingly enough I have just had some chocolate!!1 *I will never learn..*

Giving myself till Monday then I am going to get back on track... I want a day or so here to settle back in and get some food shopping in and then hey presto back to work and get rid of all this extra weight I have put back on grrr!

While away.. did I say we got a Wii...a telly for the bedroom and my brother gave me a stereo for the lounge and outside when I am in the pool...

Oh will have to catch up later as want to see if I can get into the shed to feed the boys!


Back... that is them sorted... oh yeah.. the darn mosquitos have got me already... three and not even been back for 24 hours.. darn swines!!

We have staying two of GOS's daughters and one of their friends... they are with us for a week... will see how that goes throughout the time.

Good news Good news... *Yes finally something good to write about * The dishwasher lives!!!!!!!! Thank goodness too as we are going through a lot of glasses etc and I just didn't fancy standing there washing all day! So no more kicking and cursing the dishwasher... I love the dishwasher again... it is my best friend and I am sure over time it will grow to love me again!

Got the Dawn French "Dear Fatty" book while away.. so going to spend some time reading that... the first chapter nearly had me in tears!! Well not chapters she has done them in letters which I think is a lovely idea. I have always admired her strength and such a pretty woman!

Is it nice to be home? Well yes it is... but part of me feels very sad to be away from my family... I think I have spent long enough now... but I also love my home.

Odd isn't it how you can go away and when you get back it is like you haven't ever been away! I texted my father to let him know that I am missing him and love him and he replied... *He doesn't normally* but told me it isn't the same when I am not around.... hoping that is in a good way!

Have the unpacking to do.. but think I will leave that for tomorrow.. was getting myself stressed today with doors open and flies getting in... *this is cause we are in the countryside and have cows in the field next to us and gee they attract the flies!* I know that there is no point in getting stressed as will just have to go round and clear them out when everyone has gone indoors for their showers etc!

Is wondering now how selfish I may have become in my older age? Do I really like sharing things with other people? *I will have to think on that and get back to you!*

Missing daughter very much.. she has been cracking on with her driving and I am so very proud of her.

No use for the slinky black nighty or the sexy pink one while away.. waste of suitcase space! *Typical*

Ahh just listening to "Bread".. why are most things I like food related... *I tell the again the world is against me*

Couldn't get over how much the roses have grown while away.. went out to dead head some this afternoon.... made me think of my lovely sister, some of the roses are just so stunning ... such striking colours and she was just beautiful.

Oooo started taking vit b6 ... *Hoping it will help with my hot flushes...will have to wait and see* Think while everyone is downstairs doing their karoke I will go do my wii fit!!


I was really good... oh it is now 10.15pm....

Having done the Wii fit for an hour.. ran up the stairs and had a shower... changed and then out to the shops to get food for the kids.. *Can't let them starve now can I*
Back to cook... then do all the ladies eyebrows in the house then on to mini facial for one .. followed by a make up lesson and application.

Then cooking again and cleaning of course... *Almost hugged the dishwasher for just being there* then back to doing a cleanse and full make up...

GOS has done nothing but moan at me today and try to blackmail me into going to Paris...trying to make me feel bad and twisting everything I say! Why do men do this? Or do I have the only one that does?

Anyway... I need your help....

Take a look at both photos below and tell me... which photo do the girls in it look better?

I am on about their make-up not hair or anything else...

*Please post as a comment at the end of this thread... thanks*


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Scorching Hols!

Well ... I don't know where the days are going...the food is being piled in.. *Hangs head in shame*.. and having the usual traumatic times over here!

Yesterday was like a day that you would watch in a film!! Well part of it.. We were in my brother's shop and heard this hissing.. the next thing is I see my brother lunge towards me grab my arm and shout GET OUT NOW and pushed me towards the door.. .as I am running out I look behind and see flames. It turned out that the repair guy had set fire to a fridge freezer and the gas had caught light! It was happening so quick... he stayed in to put it out.. and goodness knows how he managed it as the flames were roaring. He was ok and I am proud that he always manages to remain calm in any situation! *Thought I might look like a bit of streaky bacon if it had blew*

Have to say it did shake me a bit....odd what gets you thinking!!

Had to say goodbye to LM on Monday and that reduced me to tears... hate having to say goodbye to her.. it is like saying bye to my beloved sister over and over again. I did ring yesterday to see if I could speak to my niece.. but she was out!

I have been shopping.. *Last saturday* that was ok... managed to get myself some jeans and a top! Just so wish that it was in a smaller size.. but the way I am eating ... I am surprised if I am in them long... really must take a grip *And not a grip on the chocolate and cheese, it is like I am a woman possessed and eating anything that comes into view!*

Not sleeping well here.. I get up early and tackle a few jobs.. weeding out the front and back.. but have the VAT to do for my brother... that seems to drag!!

With this over eating I dread to get on the scales... but I know when I get back I will have to... Have another 10 days till I get back so if I can be really careful and try really hard I might lose the loads I feel I have put on while being here so far!!

I think if I keep writing it down.. as this seems to keep me more on track.. I am better. Even if I don't stick to the SW regime at the moment .. eating more healthily will be better than nothing.


Cup of tea...

2 pears

Wow they are talking of pressure cookers on the telly... my father got me one when I was about 18.. it was brilliant... always used to make this carribean chicken dish in it.. I wouldn't mind another one.. don't know what they are taking the micky out of.. they are brillant!! *Am I showing my age now??*

Just realised I have missed not writing in here.. it is a good way to release.... so here I am now... everyone is in bed... and I am sat here in sexy black nighty and long black cardi *Sexy look not!* typing away..

Trying to arrange a girly night out or something to eat somewhere *Good food only* with a friend over here... but so far.. they spend far too much time on the phone at work!! Yes... think it is work related .

Oh goodness.. do you ever watch these chat shows on the box...Jeremy Kyle I think... where do they get these people from? The title today... "Your not fit to be my granddaughters dad!" Oh dear... I wonder what that will entail... lots of heartache for the families and amusment for the audience.. is it really the way to air your problems in public like that?

I might start a thought for the day....How many positive thoughts do you have in a day? ... I would like to say that I do try to see the positive side of things throughout the day.

Have to dash .... everyone has just got up!!